Thursday, September 4, 2008

10 Baby Shower Planning Tips

Baby showers are fun events. Planning any event can be stressful. Here are ten baby shower planning tips to help you plan a fun baby shower with little stress.

A few things to keep organized while you are planning your baby shower party:

1. Create a guest list. Your guest list should include guest name & address.

2. Plan to have the shower 6-8 weeks before the baby is due. If mom to be has a difficult pregnancy or there is concern she may go into labor early then hold the shower 8-10 weeks before the baby is due.

3. Have your guests RSVP 1-2 weeks before the baby shower.

4. If you are planning to host the baby shower at a restaurant, make your reservation early. Check with the restaurant for the latest date to submit your guest number.

5. Send out baby shower invitations at least 4-6 weeks before the baby shower.

6. To make things easier on the mom to be have baby shower thank you cards purchased and addressed with the guest list. If the baby shower has a theme you can coordinate the thank you cards with that theme.

7. Have activities planned. Baby Shower Games are a great way to break the ice among guests who may not know each other.

8. Purchase personalized favors at least 3 weeks in advance. You need to allow processing time & delivery time if favors will be shipped.

9. Purchase decorations up to a week in advanced.

10. Keep in mind mom to be's personality when planning her baby shower. This shower is being hosted in her honor.

By Christina Cermak

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