Sunday, December 14, 2008

Choosing the Perfect Baby Gift for a Newborn Baby

Choosing a gift for a newborn baby can be a daunting and time-consuming process. With so many wonderful baby gift ideas out there to choose from it can be hard to decide on the right one.

There are many factors to be taken into account when choosing the perfect gift. The first decision to be made when choosing your baby gift is whether you want it to be a practical gift for the new parents, such as a gift basket filled with baby clothes, nappies, a baby rattle, toiletries, blankets and other baby accessories, which lets face it, new parents can never have enough of-- or whether you want your gift to be something a little more special and much less practical or generic.

A new trend in gift-giving is personalised gifts such as personalised name prints featuring the baby's name meaning and origin, framed artwork for the baby's nursery, colourful children's name canvases and baby portrait canvases created from a photograph of the proud parents' little bundle of joy. The gifts can often also be personalised to include the baby's full name, date/time/weight/place of birth, christening, baptism or naming ceremony date, a personal message and even a short bible verse, poem or favourite quote. They make the ideal baby keepsake for a newborn baby. New parents often love to see their new baby's name written anywhere and a personalised baby gift is one that will be treasured by both parents and child for years to come.

By Jemma C Martin

Check Out the Related Article : Baby Names and Meaning

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