Saturday, March 21, 2009

Safety in Baby Clothes

Keeping your baby safe is one of the most important responsibilities a parent has. According to babies’ safety organizations both in the U.S. and the U.K., what your baby wears has a crucial effect on your baby’s safety, and parents who dress their babies with safety in mind actually lower the chances of an unwanted accident. This article will cover the most important elements to mind when choosing your baby’s, and what your choices are.

The most important detail to pay attention to when shopping for safe baby clothes is that there are no loose laces or strings. Loose laces, strings etc. are a great hazard, especially for babies who already move. Clothes that do not have any laces or strings are the safe choice for your baby, especially in his/hers first crawling weeks.

Another important detail is the type of fabric and its resistance to flames. The most comfortable and popular baby clothes are made of 100% cotton and are relatively inflammable, while other fabrics may be more flammable, and more dangerous in some cases.

The third factor to take into account is a rather new feature which has recently been introduced to the baby clothing world, and that is protected knee pads. Protected knee pads are designed to keep crawling babies comfortable and safe, and can be found in only a small number of the well known babies’ clothes brands.

Pay attention to your baby’s safety, keep him/her well protected, and have a wonderful time raising him!

By Michal Moreno

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