Saturday, May 30, 2009

Baby Shower Invitation FAQs

The primary purpose of a baby shower invitation is to make the place, date, and time of the celebration known to everyone. Also, it gives the guests an idea of the kind of gift to take to the baby shower party.

Where do I get baby shower invitation ideas?

You can get baby shower invitation ideas from books, old invitations, or magazine articles. Also, you can get hundreds of ideas from the Internet.

What types and styles of invitations are available?

Printable, handmade, handwritten, e-card, custom-made, and personalized invitations are available. You can choose from different styles such as embossed, trendy, elegant, formal, ornate, and simple.

Where do I get these invitation cards?

You can purchase them from craft stores and gift shops. Online purchase is also available.

What information should be included in the baby shower invitation?

You include information such as time and date, map of the shower location, phone number or email address, sex of baby (if known), and the name of the new mother and baby. Also, mention whether it is a surprise baby shower party or not. You may also include recommended ideas for gifts and details about your gift registry.

What should be the nature of the contents of a baby shower invitation?

The contents in the baby shower invitations should be precise, simple, beautiful, and informative.

What is the most important aspect of a baby shower invitation?

Theme and color are the main things. The theme of the baby shower invitation makes the party fun, entertaining, and a memorable experience. Other important things are the location, baby shower decorations, and food and beverages.

When should baby shower invitations be sent?

Baby shower invitations should be sent three to four weeks in advance so that guests get an opportunity to fix their schedules and purchase gifts.

By Kristy Annely

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