Thursday, July 23, 2009

Naming Your Baby

So you are planning or currently pregnant with your baby and have no idea what to name him or her. You have so many options and so many sources available to you. This article is meant to give you a few ideas on where to look and how to decide.

Method one: Your family history.

You have plenty of names available to you in your family tree. Some couples name their children after their own parents or grandparents. What a great way to honour your roots and where you came from. This is a great way to name your baby, so long as you like the names of your parents and grandparents. So what if you don't like your choices?

Method two: Buy a book.

There are hundreds of books available with lists of baby names sorted into various categories. The benefit of these books, is that you literally have tens of thousands of names at your fingertips. These books can be found in most libraries, bookstores and even online. If you like the idea of having a large selection of baby names to browse though, but don't want to buy a book, you're in luck. There's a third option.

Method three: Visit a baby names web site.

There are several web sites on the Internet that are dedicated solely to baby names. The benefit of these sites is that, unlike a book, you can search for baby names and select options to list more specific types of names. The most common choices are to search alphabetically, by nationality and by gender.

Either method you choose, naming your baby can be a wonderful experience. Your child deserves the best you can give. Following one of these three methods will enable you to select a name for your baby that you will be proud of.

By Rob Ross

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