Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Corporate Baby Gift Ideas

The birth of a baby is a momentous occasion in the life of any person and calls for due celebration to make the family feel special, and to welcome the baby. This major event has been made a tool for fostering a bond between the employees and their company. Most of the corporate houses in present times are following the employee acknowledgement program that creates a sense of belonging and emotional bonding between the employees and the company. This practice creates a better work environment and a healthy employee relationship.

The corporate baby gift can be given at the time of a baby shower or after the baby is born. There can be several gifts given to a family that has just had a baby. A baby gift basket can be put together that having a color scheme -- pink for a girl baby and blue for a boy baby. The parents can be given gift certificates of specified amounts as per the company policy. The gift basket for a baby can include a baby bedding set, baby blankets and cozies, toys that stimulate the sight and hearing and stuffed toys for comfort. The family can be presented with baby books and videos, clothing, bath accessories, night lights, rattles, picture albums and baby rockers. Baby strollers and baby carriers are also a good idea -- as are diapers, personalized baby clothes, embroidered beddings and growth charts. Silver or gold jewelry for the baby are also an exclusive but more expensive baby gift. A baby crib can also be presented along with the swirling and illuminating toys as accessories. Of course the usual card and flowers are an option as well.

It will depend entirely on the company and the amount of funds allocated for baby gifts that will determine the type of gift to be presented.

By Elizabeth Morgan

Check Out the Related Article : Baby Clothes

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